Lifestyle Notes - Artem Prut


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Перший герой рубрики — художник Артем Прут. 

Ми завітали до майстерні Артема, яка знаходиться в Києві неподалік Золотих Воріт. В інтерв’ю Артем поділився з нами історією про те, як почалася його пристрасть до мистецтва, що є його основним джерелом натхнення, без чого він не уявляє свого робочого простору, та які ритуали допомагають йому налаштуватися на творчий процес.

When did you first discover your passion for art?

I’ve been drawing since childhood, like most kids, but I’d say my true passion emerged around 9th or 10th grade. That’s when I discovered the world of street art—with its characters that could be painted anywhere, diverse techniques, and endless storytelling possibilities. Around the same time, I got into skateboarding, and these two worlds complemented each other perfectly. I vividly remember designing skateboard graphics featuring my own characters, and that’s when I first felt that art could become my way of making a living.


Who or what is your biggest source of inspiration?

I find inspiration in exploring the journeys of different creative figures—filmmakers, musicians, athletes, writers, entrepreneurs, and more. Their stories motivate me. I love reading; books, in general, fill me with knowledge and energy. They help me understand the world and the history of human existence. Watching a film, whether artistic or documentary, can be inspiring. So can conversations with fellow artists—exchanging energy and experiences—or visiting exhibitions and studios.Football is another source of inspiration for me—not just as a sport but as a business, a game, and a culture. The history of clubs, the coaches who serve as role models, and discussions about all of this with friends give me new perspectives. Nature, sports, travel, relaxation, city walks, and conversations with people who create and build things—all of these shape my inspiration. In short, life itself and everything that surrounds and interests me fuels my creativity.

What is your favorite artwork?

I don’t have a single favorite piece—I try to make sure that every work I create feels special to me. Of course, there are some that I like more at different points in time. I’ve noticed that when I look back at my work after a year, while preparing to upload pieces to my website, I can pick out a few that resonate with me the most.


If you could keep only three essential items in your workspace, what would they be?

A computer, paint, and canvases—without these, I simply couldn’t function. They are the foundation of my creative process.



Do you have any rituals or habits that help you get into a creative flow?

Most of my rituals and habits are tied to how I start my day. I make a cup of coffee and step out onto the balcony—if the sun is shining, I just sit and soak it in because, honestly, I run on solar energy. Sometimes, I’ll read a book or flip through an art album—whether it’s photography, architecture, or advertising. A few times a week, I also do a workout before having breakfast, and then I dive into work.



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